Command Reference 9-93
n Functions and channels in PM6685
:FREQuency [ :CW ] [
8 ‘ 1 |3|4|5|6‘]
:FREQuency [ :CW ] :RATio [
8 ‘ 1 |3|4,1|3|4 ‘]
:FREQuency :BURSt [
8 ‘ 1 |3|4‘]
:FREQuency :PRFrequency [
8 ‘ 1 |3|4‘]
:PERiod [
‘ 1 |3|4‘]
:NWIDth [
‘ 1 |4‘]
:PWIDth [
‘ 1 |4‘]
:PDUTycycle | DCYCle [
‘ 1 |4‘]
:NDUTycycle [
‘ 1 |4‘]
:TOTalize [ :CONTinuous ]
‘0|1 |4,0|1|4‘]
Input channels PM6685
0 means that the input is disabled
1 means input A
3 means input C (HF-input option)
4 means input E (Rear panel arming input)
5 means input A prescaled by 2
6 means the internal reference
8 ‘<Measuring function>[_<Primary channel> [,<Secondary channel>]]’
Select Measuring Function
Selects which measuring function is to be performed and on which channel(s) the
instrument should measure.
<Measuring function> is the function you want to select, according to the SENSe subsystem
command trees on page 9-85 and page 9-86.
<Primary channel> is the channel used in all single-channel measurements and the main chan
nel in dual-channel measurements.
<Secondary channel> is the ‘other’ channel in dual-channel measurements. Only the primary
channel may be programmed for all single channel measurements.
The measuring function and the channels together form one <String> that must
be placed within quotation marks.
Returned format: “<Measuring function>_<Primary channel>[,<Secondary channel>]”¿
Example Select a pulse period measurement on input A (channel 1):
Send ® :FUNC 8 ‘PER 8 1’
*RST condition: FREQuency_1
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.