Command Reference 9-87
:ACQuisition :APERturePM6681
8 «<Decimal value > | MIN | MAX»
Set the Measurement Time
Sets the gate time for one measurement.
Measurement Times of 80 to 1280 ns work in :FREQ:CW, FREQ:BURST,
:FREQ:PRF, 8 :FREQ:RAT and :PERiod. If one of these short times is selected
when the counter makes other measurements, it will use 5 ms.
If you want to switch between Average and Single measurements, use the :AV
ERage:STATe8 ON|OFF in the Sense Subsystem.
When Single is selected and an array measurement is done, the Measurement
Time, set by :Acquisition:APERture, sets the time between the measure
ments in the array. This means that if you want a very high speed, you must set
Parameters: <decimal value> is 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 ns and 20 ms to 400 s.
MIN gives 80 ns and MAX gives 400 s.
Returned format:
<Decimal value >¿
*RST condition: 10 ms
SYST:PRESet condition: 200 ms
:ACQuisition :APERturePM6680B/85
8 «<Decimal value > |MIN|MAX»
Set the Measurement Time
Sets the gate time for one measurement.
Parameters: <decimal value> is 0.8E–6, 1.6E–6, 3.2E–6, 6.4E–6, or 12.8E–6 and
50E–6 to 400s.
MIN gives 800 ns and MAX gives 400 s.
Measurement Times of 800 ns to 12.8 ms work in :FREQ:CW, FREQ:BURST,
:FREQ:PRF, 8 :FREQ:RAT and :PERiod. If one of these short times is selected
when the counter makes other measurements, it will use 50 ms.
If you want to switch between Average and Single measurements, use the :AV
ERage:STATe 8 ON|OFF in the Sense Subsystem.
When Single is selected and an array measurement is done, the Measurement
Time, set by :Acquisition:APERture, sets the time between the measure
ments in the array. This means that if you want a very high speed, you must set
Returned format: <Decimal value >¿
*RST condition: 10 ms
SYST:PRESet condition: 200 ms