Command Reference 9-73
:MEASure :TOTalize :TIMed?PM6680B PM6681
[8 [<time for gate open> [,(@«1|2|4»)][,(@«1|2|4»)]]]
Totalize X-Y During a Preset Time
This is a count/totalize function during a predefined time. The start/stop signal is
generated by the counter and set by <time for gate open>.
The counter counts up for each event on the X-channel and down for each event
on the Y-channel. The result is the difference between the two channels.
If you only want to Totalize on X, you must disable Y by setting both X and Y to the
same channel or disconnecting the signal from Y.
Totalize –Y MANUAL, negative totalizing, is possible if you physically disconnect
the signal on the X input.
Select if the counter should count positive or negative transitions with the IN
Put:SLOPe command of the channels.
<time for gate open> is the time you want the totalizing to proceed. The range is the same as
for Measurement Time.
The first <(@«1|2|4»)> is the channel that counts up, and the second one is the channel that
counts down:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B
(@4) means input E (rear panel arming input)
If you omit the channels, the instrument counts up on input A and down on input B.
SEND® :MEAS:TOT:TIM? 8 1,(@1),(@1)
In this example the counter totalises the pulses on Channel 1 for one second. Any
signals on channel 2 and 4 are ignored.
*RST condition:
Time for gate open = 10 ms ([:SENSe]:ACQuisition:APERture)