
Thank you for purchasing our robot products. This manual contains the information
necessary for the correct use of the EPSON RC+ software.
Please carefully read this manual and other related manuals when using this software.
Keep this manual in a handy location for easy access at all times.
The robot and its optional parts are shipped to our customers only after being subjected
to the strictest quality controls, tests and inspections to certify its compliance with our
high performance standards.
Product malfunctions resulting from normal handling or operation will be repaired free
of charge during the normal warranty period. (Please ask your Regional Sales Office
for warranty period information.)
However, customers will be charged for repairs in the following cases (even if they
occur during the warranty period):
1. Damage or malfunction caused by improper use which is not described in the
manual, or careless use.
2. Malfunctions caused by customers’ unauthorized disassembly.
3. Damage due to improper adjustments or unauthorized repair attempts.
4. Damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc.
Warnings, Cautions, Usage:
1. If the robot or associated equipment is used outside of the usage conditions
and product specifications described in the manuals, this warranty is void.
2. If you do not follow the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual, we
cannot be responsible for any malfunction or accident, even if the result is
injury or death.
3. We cannot foresee all possible dangers and consequences. Therefore, this
manual cannot warn the user of all possible hazards.
ii Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1