
AngleAccuracy Property
AngleAccuracy Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Correlation
Specifies the accuracy of a correlation search with rotation.
VGet Sequence.Object.AngleAccuracy, var
VSet Sequence.Object.AngleAccuracy, value
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Object Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the
specified sequence.
var Real variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Real expression for the new value of the property.
Real number in degrees from 0.1 - 10
Default: 1
The AngleAccuracy property is used at model training time and not at run-time. This value specifies the
desired accuracy for angle search.
The Correlation model must be taught after a new value for the AngleAccuracy property is set in order for
the new setting to take affect. If you teach a Correlation Model, then later set the AngleAccuracy property
to a new value, and then try to run that Correlation object, it will not search with the new angle accuracy.
You must re-teach the Correlation Model with the AngleEnable property set to True, and with the new
value for the AngleAccuracy property in order for Correlation search with angle to use the new
AngleAccuracy property value.
See Also
AngleMaxIncrement Property, AngleRange Property, Angle Result, Correlation Object, Object Tab
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1 7