Camera Property
Camera Property
Applies To
Vision Sequence
Vision Calibration
Specifies which camera to use for a vision sequence or calibration.
VGet {Sequence | Calibration}.Camera, var
VSet {Sequence | Calibration}.Camera, value
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Calibration Name of a calibration or string variable containing a calibration name.
var Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Integer expression for the new value of the property.
Integer value from 1-8.
Default: 1
One camera may be associated with a vision sequence or calibration at a time.
For sequences, the camera number must be selected before executing VRun.
For calibrations, the camera number must match the camera number of the calibration target sequence.
The following example shows how to use different cameras with the same vision sequence. We will set the
Camera property prior to executing the vision sequence called FINDMARK.
Function test
#define CAMERA1 1
#define CAMERA2 2
VSet findmark.Camera, CAMERA1
VRun findmark
'Get any info req'd from 1st sequence here (i.e. VGet findmark.xxx.xxx)
VSet findmark.Camera, CAMERA2
VRun findmark
'Get any info req'd from 2nd sequence here (i.e. VGet findmark.xxx.xxx)
See Also
CameraGain Property, CameraOffset Property, Sequence Tab, Vision Sequences
18 Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1