
CameraOffset Property
CameraOffset Property
Applies To
Vision Sequence
Specifies the offset for the camera used in the current sequence. The offset is the lower limit of the digital
values that will be assigned to the video signal in the A/D converter. (Also known as Brightness.)
VGet Sequence.CameraOffset, var
VSet Sequence.CameraOffset, value
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
var Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Integer expression for the new value of the property.
Integer value from 0 - 255
Default: 0
The CameraOffset property is normally left at a value of 0.
Change the CameraOffset property when you want to change the brightness of an acquisition. Adjusting
the CameraOffset property allows you to select the lower and upper limits (saturation points) at which
differentiation of assigned digital values begins and ends. Due to variations in camera components, the
lowest digital values that can be converted may not be precisely 0, but will be close to 0. All signal
voltages that exceed the upper limit of the dynamic range are assigned the highest digital value possible.
See Also
Camera Property, CameraGain Property, Sequence Tab, Vision Sequences
20 Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1