SearchWin Property
SearchWin Property
Runtime only
Applies To
Vision Objects: Blob, Correlation, ImageOp
Defines the position and size of a search window.
VGet Sequence.Object.SearchWin, LeftVar, TopVar, WidthVar, HeightVar
VSet Sequence.Object.SearchWin, LeftVar , TopVar, WidthVar, HeightVar
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Object Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the
specified sequence.
LeftVar Integer variable representing the leftmost position of the Search Window (in Pixels) to get
from or set to the SearchWinLeft property.
TopVar Integer variable representing the uppermost position of the Search Window (in Pixels) to get
from or set to the SearchWinTop property.
WidthVar Integer variable representing the width of the Search Window (in Pixels) to get from or set to
the SearchWinWidth property.
HeightVar Integer variable representing the height of the Search Window (in Pixels) to get from or set to
the SearchWinHeight property.
All Values are in Pixels. See the Left, Top, Width, and SearchWinHeight Properties for exact value data.
The SearchWin property was added to provide easy access to the SearchWinTop, SearchWinLeft,
SearchWinWidth and SearchWinHeight Properties from the SPEL
Language. The SearchWin property
allows the setting of all 4 Properties with just 1 function call. There are cases where the user may want to
define the position and size of the Search Window dynamically and for that reason the SearchWin property
was created.
Do not the set the SearchWin setting too large. If the value is too large, the detection time gets longer and
may result in false detection.
See Also
Blob Object, Correlation Object, ImageOp Object, Object Tab, SearchWinHeight Property, SearchWinLeft
Property, SearchWinTop Property, SearchWinWidth Property
144 Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1