
OriginAngleEnabled Property
OriginAngleEnabled Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Frame
Enables a single point frame to rotate with the angle of the origin object.
VGet Sequence.Object.OriginAngleEnabled, var
VSet Sequence.Object.OriginAngleEnabled, value
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Object Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the
specified sequence.
var Boolean variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Integer expression for the new value of the property.
False Frame will not rotate with origin point angle
True Frame will rotate with origin point angle
Default False
The OriginAngleEnabled property enables a frame to rotate with the angle of the origin object. For
example, you can set the OriginPoint to a Polar object and set OriginAngleEnabled to True. The frame will
rotate to the angle of the Polar object.
If the YAxisObject is set to a value other than Screen, then OriginAngleEnabled has no effect.
See Also
Frame Object, Object Tab
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1 95