
CChhaapptteerr 11:: BBaassiicc PPrriinnttiinngg
Congratulations on purchasing your new Canon
S300 Color Bubble Jet
With this printer, you can print basic business documents in color or black and
white, as well as print on a variety of specialty media, such as Canon High
Resolution Paper (ideal for documents that include large numbers of color
illustrations), Canon Glossy Photo Paper or Canon Photo Paper Pro (for digital
photographs) and Canon Transparencies (for presentations). For a full list of the
Canon specialty media that can be used with your S300 printer, see “Specialty
Media” on page 3.
This quick start guide describes some of the features of your S300
printer and how to use them. For more information, view and/or
print the S300 User’s Guide on the Setup Software & User’s Guide
CD-ROM, or use the online help in your printer interface:
While in the printer’s Properties window, press the
or click in the upper right corner then click the feature
you want to know more about, or click the button
when displayed.
Turn Bubble Help on by selecting
, then
BBuubbbbllee HHeellpp
Driver features and screen shots described in this guide reflect
98 and may be different for Windows 2000 users.
TTuurrnniinngg YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr OOnn aanndd OOffff
To turn your printer on or off, press the POWER
button. The POWER lamp will flash green
when warming up or when a print job is being
sent to the printer. It will glow a steady (non-
flashing) green when the printer is ready for
use or when the print job is complete.
If the POWER lamp flashes
orange, see “Handling Error
Messages” beginning on
page 32.
S300 Chapter 01.qxd 5/12/01 1:44 PM Page 1