
24-hour, Fax-On-Demand System for product specifications and technical information
Free technical support Monday—Saturday (excluding holidays) for products still under warranty
Technical support 7 days a week(excluding holidays) for products no longer under warranty, at $9.99 per call
If the problem can’t be corrected by using one of the above technical support options, you will be asked to
follow the applicable procedures for warranty service.
NNoottee tthhaatt aa ddaatteedd pprrooooff ooff ppuurrcchhaassee ((bbiillll ooff ssaallee)) iiss
rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo vveerriiffyy eelliiggiibbiilliittyy aatt tthhee ttiimmee ooff sseerrvviiccee.. TThhiiss rreeqquuiirreemmeenntt wwiillll bbee ssaattiissffiieedd bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg aa ccooppyy ooff
yyoouurr ddaatteedd bbiillll ooff ssaallee.. YYoouu wwiillll aallssoo nneeeedd ttoo ssuuppppllyy tthhee pprroodduucctt sseerriiaall nnuummbbeerr..
Carry-In/Mail-In is a service program by which your defective product is repaired by an ASF. The name and
telephone number of the ASF(s) nearest to your location may be obtained from our Web site at:
www.usa.canon.com, or by calling the Canon Customer Care Center at 1-800-423-2366. If shipping is involved,
it is your responsibility to properly package and send your defective product, together with your dated proof of
purchase, a complete explanation of the problem and a return address, to the ASF at your expense. Do not
include any other items with your product. The repair(s) covered by this limited warranty will be made and the
product will be returned to you without charge by the ASF. Repairs not covered under this limited warranty will
be charged to you at such costs as each ASF may generally establish from time to time.
InstantExchange is a warranty program that expedites, usually by the next business day,†† the exchange of a
defective product with a refurbished product. The refurbished product you receive will be covered by the
balance of the period remaining on your original limited warranty.
NNoottee tthhaatt bbyy uussiinngg tthhiiss sseerrvviiccee yyoouu wwiillll kkeeeepp
tthhee rreeppllaacceemmeenntt pprroodduucctt tthhaatt iiss sseenntt ttoo yyoouu,, aanndd yyoouurr oorriiggiinnaallllyy ppuurrcchhaasseedd pprroodduucctt sshhaallll bbeeccoommee tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy
ooff CCaannoonn
. InstantExchange warranty program service is available only during the express limited-warranty
period for your product and only in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii during such period.
If the Canon Customer Care Center representative cannot correct the problem with your product over the
telephone, and you elect InstantExchange warranty program service, the representative will issue you a
reference number upon verification of warranty eligibility. You will be asked for information pertaining to your
defective product and for a ship-to location for the replacement product (street address only). You must also
provide a major credit card number that will be pre-authorized by Canon in an amount up to the cost of a new
product at the time you elect InstantExchange warranty program service.
YYoouurr ccrreeddiitt ccaarrdd nnuummbbeerr wwiillll bbee
cchhaarrggeedd iinn aann aammoouunntt uupp ttoo tthhee ccoosstt ooff aa nneeww pprroodduucctt
(i) if you do not return your defective product to a Canon
repair facility by the date specified by Canon and in the manner described below; (ii) if the defect(s) in the
product is/are not covered by this limited warranty; or (iii) if the warranty period on the product has expired or
has not been sufficiently established by your supplying the appropriate documentation.
The Canon repair facility will ship out the replacement product via overnight courier, prepaid by Canon. After
receipt of the replacement product (with instructions and a pre-paid return waybill), follow the instructions to
ship the defective product to a Canon repair facility. You must return the defective product in the shipping
carton in which the replacement product was packed (be sure to retain your printhead and ink tanks), and you
must include the reference number,
aa ccooppyy ooff yyoouurr ddaatteedd pprrooooff ooff ppuurrcchhaassee
(bill of sale) and a complete
explanation of the problem.
DDoo nnoott iinncclluuddee aannyy ootthheerr iitteemmss iinn tthhee rreettuurrnn sshhiippppiinngg ccoonnttaaiinneerr
This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
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