
| Page © Adam Equipment Company 2009
The configuration file is a text file that would appear as the left column below. All
configuration files will be in English regardless of the language selected for the analyzers.
Baud Rate=2; #0=2400,1=4800,2=9600,3=19200,4=38400,default=1;
Parity=0; #0=none,1=Even,2=Odd ,default= 0;
Print Test=1; #0=off,1=on, default=1;
Output Format=0; #0=complete 1=summary ,default=0;
Continuous=1; #0=off,1=on, default=0;
Interval=20; #00-99 ,default=1;
Date Format=1; #0=Europe,1=USA,2=ASIA default=0;
User ID=1234567890; #length=10 alpha-numeric characters;
Key Beeper=1; #0=off;1=on default=1;
Test Beeper=1; #0=off;1=on default=1;
Backlight=2; #0=off,1=on,2=auto default=2;
Filter=1; #0=slow,1=normal,2=fast, default=1;
Stability=2; #0=1d,1=2d,2=5d,3=10d default=2;
Auto Zero=3; #0=off,1=1d,2=2d,3=5d default=5;
Operator=000000; #operator password ,must be 6 bytes;
Supervisor=000000; #Supervisor password ,must be 6 bytes;
Calibration Report=1; #0=off,1=on default=1;
Language=1; #0=English, 1=German, 2=French, 3= Spanish
If there is a problem loading a configuration or PST file from the USB the display will show
the message FAIL. A report will be written on the USB memory in the reports folder.
Open the report file using Notebook or other word processor to read the message. The
message will give a brief description of the reason for the failed attempt. A line of data may
have an incorrect value or command or it may not be possible to complete the command
as it is restricted to the service personal.
Try correcting the command or removing the line the command is on and repeating the
loading procedure.