EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
z Port name
z DSCP mutation name
z Operation-Set or Remove
Example: Set the DSCP mutation in Ethernet port 1/1. Choose Port name as Ethernet1/1, input mu1
for DCSP mutation name, to select Set for Operation, and then click Apply.
16.5.5 Egress-queue configuration
Click “Egress-queue configuration” to display the extensions, including three sections:
1. Egress-queue wrr weight configuration
2. Egress-queue work mode configuration
3. Mapping CoS values to egress queues Egress-queue WRR weight configuration
Click “Egress-queue WRR weight configuration” to enter the configuration page. Equivalent to CLI
Terms are described as following:
z Port name
z Weight for queue 0-7
z Operation-Set or Remove
z Reset-Will set column as startup defaults. This command will not modify the configuration.
z Apply-Will take effort to all setting. This command will modify the configuration.
Example: Configuring WRR weight. Choose the port name first, then input value for each queue;
select Set for operation, then click Apply.