
EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Function: Configures the matching criterion in the class map; the “no match {access-group | ip
dscp | ip precedence | vlan}” command deletes the specified matching criterion.
Parameters: access-group <acl-index-or-name> stands for matching specified ACL, the parameter
is ACL number or name; ip dscp <dscp-list> stands for matching specified DSCP value, the
parameter is a DSCP value list containing up to 8 DSCP values; ip precedence <ip-precedence-list>
stands for matching specified IP priority, the parameter is a IP priority list containing up to 8 IP
priorities, ranging from 0 to 7; vlan <vlan-list> stands for matching specified VLAN ID list
consisting of up to 8 VLAN Ids.
Default: No matching criterion is configured by default.
Command mode: Class map configuration mode
Usage Guide: Only one matching criterion is allowed in each class map. When matching ACLs,
only “permit” rule can be set in the ACL.
Example: Creating a class map named c1, setting the class map rule to match packets of IP
precedence priority 0 and 1.
Switch(Config)#class-map c1
Switch(Config-ClassMap)#match ip precedence 0 1
Switch(Config-ClassMap)#exit policy-map
Command: policy-map <policy-map-name>
no policy-map <policy-map-name>
Function: Creates a policy map and enters the policy map mode; the “no policy-map
<policy-map-name>” command deletes the specified policy map.
Parameters: < policy-map-name> is the policy map name.
Default: No policy map is configured by default.
Command mode: Global Mode
Usage Guide: QoS classification matching and marking operations can be done in the policy map
configuration mode.
Example: Creating and deleting a policy map named “p1”.
Switch(Config)#policy-map p1
Switch(Config)#no policy-map p1 class
Command: class <class-map-name>
no class <class-map-name>
Function: Associates a class to a policy map and enters the policy class map mode; the “no class
<class-map-name>” command deletes the specified class.