Agilent Technologies E3634A Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Output Setting and Operation Commands
VOLTage:PROTection? {MINimum|MAXimum}
This query returns the overvoltage protection trip level presently programmed.
return the maximum and minimum
programmable overvoltage trip levels.
VOLTage:PROTection:STATe {0|1|OFF|ON}
This command enables or disables the overvoltage protection function. An
overvoltage condition can be cleared with the
after the condition that caused the OVP trip is removed. At
, this value is
set to ‘‘ON’’.
This query returns the state of the overvoltage protection function. The
returned parameter is ‘‘0’’ (OFF) or ‘‘1’’ (ON).
This query returns a ‘‘1’’ if the overvoltage protection circuit is tripped and not
cleared or a ‘‘0’’ if not tripped.
This command causes the overvoltage protection circuit to be cleared. After
this command, the output voltage is restored to the state it was in before the
protection feature occurred and the OVP trip level remains unchanged to the
value presently programmed. Before sending this command, lower the output
voltage below the trip OVP point, or raise the OVP trip level above the output
setting. Note that the overvoltage condition caused by an external source must
be removed first before proceeding this command.
VOLTage:RANGe {P8V|P20V||LOW|HIGH} (For E3633A model)
or {P25V|P50V|LOW|HIGH} (For E3634A model)
This command selects an output range to be programmed by the identifier. For
example, when 8V/20A* range is selected, the maximum programmable
voltage and current are limited to 8.24 volts and 20.60 amps. When 20V/10A*
range is selected, the maximum programmable voltage and current are
limited to 20.60 volts and 10.30 amps. See page 82 for more details of the
programming ranges of the Agilent E3634A model. ‘‘P20V’’* or ‘‘HIGH’’ is the
identifier for the 20V/10A* range and ‘‘P8V’’* or ‘‘LOW’’ is for the 8V/20A* range.
, the 8V/20A* or 25V/7A** range is selected.
*For Agilent E3633A Model **For Agilent E3634A Model