Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Program for Excel 97
Diode Macro
' This is the subroutine first executed. Modify this routine to suit
' your needs. To change the GPIB address, go to the module OpenPort, and
' change the variable GPIB_Address = "5” to the required GPIB address.
' To change the RS-232 port, go to the moudle OpenPort, and change the
' variable COM_Address = "1” to the required port
Global defaultRM As Long ' Resource manager id for VISA GPIB
Global power_supply As Long ' Identifies power supply
Global bGPIB As Boolean ' A flag using of GPIB or RS-232
Global ErrorStatus As Long ' VISA Error code
Sub Diode_Click()
Dim I As Integer
bGPIB = True ' To use RS-232, set the bGPIB to False
SendSCPI "*RST" ' Set power-on condition
SendSCPI "Output on" ' Turn on the output
For I = 5 To 15
SendSCPI "Volt " & Str$(Cells(I, 1))
Cells(I, 2) = Val(SendSCPI("Meas:Current?"))
Next I
SendSCPI "Output off" ' Turn off the output
End Sub
Private Function OpenPort()
Dim GPIB_Address As String
Dim COM_Address As String
If bGPIB Then
GPIB_Address = "5" ' Select GPIB address between 0 to 30
COM_Address = "1" ' Set the number to 2 for COM2 port
End If
ErrorStatus = viOpenDefaultRM(defaultRM) ' Open the VISA session
If bGPIB Then
ErrorStatus = viOpen(defaultRM, "GPIB0::" & GPIB_Address & "::INSTR", _
0, 1000, power_supply)
ErrorStatus = viOpen(defaultRM, "ASRL" & COM_Address & "::INSTR", _
0, 1000, power_supply)
SendSCPI "System:Remote"
End If
CheckError "Unable to open port"
End Function
Continued on next page