
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 1- 4: Amplitude -Related Characteristics (Cont.)
Characteri stic Supplemental InformationPerform ance Requirement
Display Dynamic Range
All except Option 50 and Option 75:
80 dB maximum (Log)
8 divisions (Linear)
Log Mode Display Dynamic Range is
dependent upon the selected Resol u-
tion Bandwidth.
The accuracy specifications apply for
amplitude measurements done with t he
marker only, since marker measure-
ments are corrected for logging errors.
Option 50 and Option 75:
Baseline will rise to indicated value,
typically 10 dB to 20 dB below signal
level applied near frequency of
2.11 GHz.
Display Dynamic Range is reduced if
there is signal energy at or near
2.11 GHz.
10 dB/div Mode ±1.0 dB/10 dB to a maximum cumulative
error of ±2.0 dB over the 70 dB range and
a maximum cumulative error of ±4.0 dB
over the 80 dB range
10 dB/div accuracy and range is
affected by the signal-to-noise rati o of
the selected Resolution Bandwidth
filter. See following table for maximum
specified range.
Bandwidth dB Down
5MHz 40
1MHz 40
300 kHz 50
100 kHz 50
30 kHz 60
10 kHz 60
3 kHz 80
1 kHz 80
300 Hz 80
5 dB/div Mode ±1.0 dB/10 dB to a maximum cumulative
error of ±2.0 dB over the 40 dB range
1 dB/div Mode ±1 dB maximum error over the 8 dB range
Linear Mode ±5% of full scale
RF Attenuator Range 0to50dBin2dBsteps