
Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Next you are prompted to choose between Calibrate Flatness, and Verify Flatness
Calibration. Choose the former to generate a table of flatness corrections to be
downloaded to the 2715. The data will not be automatically downloaded to the
2715, as with the CAL sequence. If you wish to do this, you will need to copy
the file \tekcats\flatness\2715\<sn>.ts to \tekcats\flatness\2715\<sn>.unc Be
aware that if you download a file that does not cover the full frequency or
attenuator range of the CAL sequence tests, the 2715 will not be calibrated for
CATV measurements at some frequency/attenuators.
Choose Verify Flatness Calibration to check the flatness of the 2715 as corrected
by a CAL flatness run.