
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 1- 2: Frequency-Related Characteristics (Cont.)
Characteri stic Supplemental InformationPerform ance Requirement
Residual FM
With SPAN/DIV 20 kHz All except Option 50 and Option 75:
100 Hz peak-to-peak total excursion in
20 ms up to 1.8 GHz
Option 50 and Option 75: 120 Hz
peak-to-peak total excursion in 20 ms
(above 1.8 GHz)
Short term, after 1 hr warm-up, and with
With SPAN/DIV >20 kHz All except Option 50 and Option 75:
2 kHz peak-to-peak total excursion in
20 ms up to 1.8 GHz
Option 50 and Option 75: 2.4 KHz
peak-to-peak total excursion in 20 ms
above 1.8 GHz
Resolution Bandwidth (6 dB down) Resolution bandwidth selecti ons are:
5 MHz, 1 MHz, 300 kHz, 100 kHz,
30 kHz, 10 kHz, 3 kHz, 1 kHz, and
300 Hz for the spectrum analyzer
Shape Factor (60 dB/6 dB) 7:1 or less for all resolution bandwidths
Noise Sidebands All except Option 50 and Option 75:
--70 dBc at 30X Resolut ion Bandwidth
for all resolution bandwidths 100 kHz
Option 50 and Option 75: 69 dBc at
30X Resolution Bandwidth for all
resolution bandwidths 100 kHz
Video Filter Reduces video bandwidth to about 1% of
the selected resolution bandwidth; or one
of 12 video filters (3 Hz, 10 Hz, 30 Hz,
100 Hz, 300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz,
30 kHz, 100 kHz, 300 kHz, or W IDE) can
be selected from the UTIL menu