
Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
4. Adjust R107 (HOG) for optimum one checkerboard square per division
(edges of intensified squares positioned to left and right vertical graticule
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to eliminate interaction. The checkerboard pattern will
be centered when properly adjusted.
6. Set R174 (Vector Offset) to midrange.
7. Adjust R63 (VOO) and R42 (VOG) for proper spacing of the pattern at the
top and bottom of the screen, respectively.
8. Adjust R63 (VOO) to center the top intensified horizontal checkerboard line
on the top graticule line. Refer to Figure 5--3.
Intensified Segments
Figure 5- 3: Properly Adjusted Checkerboard Pattern
9. Adjust R42 (VOG) to center the bottom intensified horizontal line on the
bottom graticule line.
10. Press BKSP (once).