
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Performance Verification
This section contains procedures for verifying that the instrument performs
according to the characteristics stated in the Performance Requirement columns
in Section 1: Specifications.
If a failure is found, it is recommended that only those circuits that do not meet
performance criteria be adjusted. If adjustment fails to return the circuit to
specified performance, refer to Section 6: Maintenance for repair procedures.
A procedure that is unique to instrument options is described as a subpart of the
step, where practical, or at the end of this section.
Incoming Inspection Test
The User manual contains a system checkout (power up check) of the Spectrum
Analyzer. This check is recommended for incoming inspections because it
requires no external equipment or special experience and is a reliable indication
that the instrument is performing properly.
Verification of Tolerance Values
Tests shall be performed only after the normalizations have occurred. If a test
should fail, normalize the instrument by pressing UT IL 3 0. The normalization
will correct for any changes in the operating environment due to time or
Measurement tolerance of test equipment should be negligible in comparison to
the specification being tested. If not, the error of the measuring apparatus must
be added to the specification tolerance.
History Information
Corrections or additional information is included when revisions are made to the
manual. If modifications require changes in the procedures, information applicable
to earlier instruments will be included within a step or as a subpart to a step.