TABLE35 Connectivity Map- Lower Layer Protocol(V3)
Name Description
LLP Type The lower layerprotocol (LLP) type. The supported optionis MLLP v2.0
(Minimal Lower Layer Protocolv2.0).
For moreinformation on MLLP v2.0, see
“Lower Layer Protocol” on page23.
Start BlockCharacter The rst envelopemarker character in the HL7 envelope,as a decimal ASCII
number. Enter anumber from 1 to 127. Unlessthere is a conict, the valueshould
be ASCII VT(decimal 11).
End DataCharacter The second tothe last envelope marker character inthe HL7 envelope, as a
decimal ASCII number.Enter a number from 1 to127. Unless there is a conict,
the value shouldbe ASCII FS (decimal 28).
End BlockCharacter The last envelopemarker character in the HL7 envelope,as a decimal ASCII
number. Enter anumber from 1 to 127. Tostrictly comply with the HL7
Standard, this propertymust be set to a carriagereturn (decimal 13).
Max Numberof Retries The maximum numberof times the adapter tries tosend a message upon
receiving the MLLPv2.0 Negative Commit Acknowledgement from thepeer
before giving up.This property is used by theadapter in outbound mode. Enter
any integer.
Sequence Number Protocol —TCP/IP HL7V3 Inbound
The following table lists and describes the property that appears on the Sequence Number
Protocol page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. This property
enables or disables HL7 sequence numbering, which is used to help prevent duplication of data.
TABLE36 Connectivity Map- Sequence NumberProtocol (V3)
Name Description
Sequence Number
An indicator ofwhether sequence numbering is enabled ordisabled. Enabling
sequence numbering helps prevent duplication of data. Select true to enable
sequence numbering; otherwiseselect false.
HL7v3 Transmission Wrapper — TCP/IP HL7 V3
Inbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the HL7 Transmission
Wrapper page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. The HL7
transmission wrapper includes information a sending application or message handling service
TCP/IPHL7V3AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200974