If a system does not conform to the HL7 specication, the Collaborations can be modied for
that transaction by changing the Java code using the Collaboration Editor. The Collaborations
Java code is designed to be available and “transparent” so you can easily reference the
predened Java code to see how it currently handles HL7 transactions and make the
appropriate modications.
The Collaboration Editor allows you to create and edit Java code to modify a Collaboration for
your specic needs. In many cases this code can be created graphically (drag and drop), using
the Collaboration Editor’s Business Rules Designer. If you need to change the code of a prebuilt
Collaboration, you should duplicate the Collaboration rst and then modify it.
The Collaborations are designed to target one unit of work at a time, meaning the resolution of
one message at a time. Once the current message transaction is resolved, the Collaboration is
free to process the next HL7 message. The general form of the Collaborations is a state machine.
Based on the state of the connection, the Collaboration performs the appropriate action.
Additional Collaborations can be added to a Project to increase message ow.
Generic HL7 Message Libraries
The generic HL7 Message Libraries are version-agnostic structures used to send and receive
HL7 messages, acknowledgements, and negative acknowledgements (NAKs). They provide the
Collaboration with only the essential elds for implementing the HL7 protocol. If you need to
perform functions that are specic to a version or message type, you can add the appropriate
Message Library to the Collaboration.
Sun Java Composite Application Suite Functionality
The TCP/IP HL7 Adapter takes advantage of the Java CAPS facilities to provide journaling and
error messaging, as well as monitoring, alerting, and logging. journaling and error messages are
sent to JMS queues, which allow exibility for postprocessing. For example, invalid messages
and their negative acknowledgements (NAKs) are sent to a JMS queue. This JMS queue can
then be set up to allow the invalid HL7 messages to be viewed, corrected, and resubmitted
automatically to the same Adapter.
Error Queues
Each Collaboration automatically sends invalid messages that have incorrect data, have
invalid formatting, or are deemed unacceptable to a JMS error queue. The error generated
by the message and, if appropriate, its associated NAK, are written as JMS properties of that
message for later processing. You can send errors to one common queue, to a specied
queue for each Adapter, or to a combination of both.
Journaling Queues
When journaling is enabled, the HL7 message and its related acknowledgement (ACK) are
written to a JMS journal queue. You determine the number of JMS error queues or journal
queues used by a Project. From the JMS queue, these messages can be accessed and written
to le, sent to a database, sent to a Web application for processing, and so forth.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 11