
TABLE23 Connectivity Map- HL7 MSHSegment (Continued)
Name Description
Receiving Facility A user-dened valuethat further identies the receiving applicationamong
multiple identical instancesof the application running on behalfof dierent
organizations. The default value is Sun HL7 adapter.
This is thesixth eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-06).
Security The implemented applicationlevel security features.
This is theeighth eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-08).
Processing ID The sub-component processingID of the MSH-11 eld. MSH-11is used to
indicate whether amessage is processed as dened inthe HL7 Application
processing rules.
Specify one ofthe following options:
D - Themessage is part of a debuggingsystem.
P - Themessage is part of a productionsystem.
T - Themessage is part of a trainingsystem.
In somecases there may be an additionalvalue, the processing mode,
following the initialvalue. This value can be A(archive), R (restore from
archive), or I(initial load).
Version ID The HL7 version as displayedin HL7 Table 0104 -Version ID.This value is
matched by thereceiving system to its own versionto ensure that messages are
interpreted correctly. Thedefault value is 2.5.
This is the12th eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-12).
Country Code A code that indicates the countryof origin for the message(see HL7 Table 0399).
Use the 3-character(alphabetic) form of ISO 3166. Thisvalue is used to specify
default elements ina message, such as currency. Thedefault value is USA.
This is the17th eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-17).
Character Set The character set(s) used bythe messages (see HL7 Table 0211).If the eld isleft
blank, the characterset is assumed to be the7-bit ASCII set. The default valueis
8859/1 (printable 7-bit ASCIIcharacter set).
This is the18th eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-18).
Principal Language of
The 2-character ISO639 alphabetic code that species theprincipal language of
the message.
This is the19th eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-19).
Alternate Character Set
The value forthe alternate character set handling schemeto be used when any
alternative character setsare used and a special handlingscheme is necessary (see
HL7 Table 0356). Possible values are ISO 2022-1994, 2.3,or<null> (blank).
Leaving the eld blankindicates that no character set switchingwill occur.
This is the20th eld in the HL7 MSHsegment (MSH-20).
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200958