TABLE3 Connectivity Map- TCPIP Inbound Settings (Continued)
Name Description
SoLinger An indicator ofwhether the adapter performs a “linger-on-close”timeout. This
option disables orenables an immediate return from acall to the close() method
for a TCPSocket. To enable the linger-on-close timeout,select true; otherwise,
select false.
If youenable this property, specify the maximumlength of the timeout inthe
SoLinger Timeout property.
SoLinger Timeout The server’s linger–on–close timeout in seconds. Use SoLinger Timeout when
SoLinger is set totrue (see the description forSoLinger above). You can specify
an integer between-1 and 65535. The default is-1 seconds, which indicates that
the SoLinger option isdisabled.
When SoLinger is set to true, the SoLinger Timeout value indicates the
A non-zero integermeans that calling close() willblock pending the
transmission and acknowledgementof all data written to thepeer. When all
data is written,the socket is closed gracefully. Uponreaching the linger
timeout value speciedhere, the socket is closed forcefullywith a TCP RST. If
the specied timeoutvalue exceeds 65,535 it will bereduced to 65,535.
A zero integermeans that a forceful closeis performed immediately.
SoTimeout The value ofthe SoTimeout in milliseconds. This isused for the accepted client
socket. You canenter a value greater than orequal to zero (0). When setto zero
(0), the timeoutis innite.
With this optionset to a non-zero value, callingthe read() method on the input
stream associated withthis socket will block for onlythe congured length of
time. Ifthe timeout expires, a java.io.InterruptedIOException or
java.net.SocketTimeoutException is thrown, but thesocket remains valid.
Enable this optionprior to entering the blocking operation.
TcpNoDelay An indicator ofwhether data packets that are smallerthan the maximum transfer
unit (MTU) sizeare sent out immediately over thenetwork (this refers to Nagle’s
algorithm). Select oneof the following options:
True – Indicates that theserver allows data packets that aresmaller than the
MTU size tobe sent out immediately over thenetwork. This can improve
performance for higher-speednetworks.
False– Indicates that theserver does not allow datapackets that are less than
the MTU sizebe sent out immediately over thenetwork.
This is usedfor the accepted client socket.
TCP/IPHL7V2AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200934