TABLE25 Connectivity Map- Communication Control
Name Description
Time ToWait For A
The amount oftime (in milliseconds) that the adapterwaits for a response from
the external system before taking recourse action (see Action on No Response in
HL7 Recourse Action). Anydata from the external system isconsidered a
This property correspondsto the initial read/receive operation timeout.Once a
response is received,the subsequent read/receive operation uses thevalue
specied for SoTimeout (see
Table 17). Avalue of 0 (zero) indicates aninnite
Max EmptyRead Retry Themaximum number oftimes the adapter attempts toread data from the
external system afterthe read/receive operation returns nothing. Thisapplies to
the read or receive operation after a response starts to arrive. Empty Read means
that a timeoutoccurs on the read/receive operation, whichuses the SoTimeout
parameter in theTCPIP Outbound Settings section as thetimeout setting (see
TCPIP Outbound Settings).The corresponding recourse action is speciedby the
Action on Max Failed Read Retry (see
HL7 Recourse Action).
Max NoResponse The maximum number of responsetimeouts the adapter allows whilewaiting for
data from the external system before taking recourse action (see Action on Max
No Response in
HL7 Recourse Action).
This property isused in the Collaboration code. It isonly used by outbound
adapters and works in conjunction with the Resend option of the Action on No
Response property.
Max NAK Receive Retry Themaximum number of negative acknowledgments(NAKs) theadapter
receives before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Received in
Recourse Action
This property isused for the outbound Collaboration code.
Max NAK Send Retry Themaximum number of negative acknowledgments (NAKs)the adapter sends
before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in
HL7 Recourse
Max CannedNAKSend
The maximum numberof canned negative acknowledgments that theadapter
sends before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in
Recourse Action
). A valueof 0 (zero) indicates that theadapter will not attempt to
create or senda canned NAK.
Enable Journaling An indicator ofwhether message journaling is enabled. Toenable message
journaling, select true; otherwiseselect false.
This property isused for outbound Collaboration code.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 61