
Index 413
Time Constant, 341
Pulse Sequence Setup dialog box, 339
pulse width, 255, 335
Pulse Width and Delay Range Message,
Pulsing tab page, 337
Pulsing tab page, 188
sequential pulsing setup, 190
slope, threshold & impedance, 188
trigger mode, 188
Triggers tab page, 343
Pulse Counter, 210, 337
Pulse Counter dialog box, 345
Pulse Delay (DG-535 Sequential), 259
Pulse Delay (PG-200 Sequential), 320
Pulse Width (DG-535 Sequential), 259
Pulse Width (PG-200 Sequential), 320
Pulse Width (PTG
Sequential), 340
Pulser operation, 181
Pulsers dialog box, 345
Radio buttons, 52
Range Display Layout tab page
Frame, 348
Intensity, 347
overview, 346
Set to Full Range, 348
Step By, 348
Read Temperature, 252
Readout Mode selections
Frame Transfer, 232
Full-Frame, 232
Interline, 232
Kinetics, 232
Readout Time, 210
Readout Time box
overview, 348
Record Macro, 295
Record Macro dialog box, 349
Registration Confirmation box, 31
Registry, 26
Reinstallation of WinView/32, 39
Remove hidden line, 205
Restore, 230
Restore defaults, 223
Restore last settings, 223
Reverse, 269, 285
Right click shortcut menus, 353
Right-click shortcut menus
Open dialog box, 303
defining a single region, 135
defining multiple regions, 137
graphical input (mouse), 138
statistics, 362
ROI and Binning
access pattern storage, 139
overview, 135
ROI context menu, 349
ROI Setup tab page
Cancel Changes, 351
Clear All button, 351
Clear button, 351
Edit/New Pattern, 350
Full button, 351
Group, 350
Mouse button, 351
Number Stored, 350
overview, 349
STORE button, 351
X End and Y End, 350
X Start and Y Start, 350
Rotate, 269, 285
RS170, 210
RS170 Intensity Scaling, 288
Safe mode, 223
Safe Mode, 297
Safe Mode (asynchronous), 370
Same Strip, multiframe, 205
Save as Default check box, 207
Save As dialog box
auxiliary buttons, 352
Cancel button, 353
File Name, 352
overview, 352
right-click shortcut menus, 353
Save as Type, 102, 353
Save button, 353
Save In, 352
Save as Type, 102, 353
Save Factory Defaults, 353
Save In, 352
Save Sequence Values to File, 261
Save/Load Setup tab page
Load, 354
overview, 354
Save, 354
Saving data files, 102
Saving temporary data files, 102
SCAN signal, 67
Screen capture
printing, 179
Screen saver, 271
Screen saver configuration dialog box, 355
Script, 277
Scroll bars, 53
Select Components dialog box, 35
Sequence Values File box, 322