
Chapter 7
ROI & Binning Options
The ROI Experiment Setup tab page (not available with all controller types) allows you
to define one or more rectangular subregions of the CCD for readout. The remaining
pixels will be discarded. Each area of interest is defined by in the X and Y direction by a
start pixel, an end pixel and a group (hardware binning) factor. Note that for AutoRange
processing, Background Subtraction, etc., the images must be
the same size.
You can acquire a full image without losing your access pattern. To do so, simply
click on the
Use Full Chip
radio button on the Experiment Setup Main tab page. As
long as Use Full Chip is selected, the ROI setup parameters are ignored and data
collection will result in full frame images. To switch back to a defined access pattern,
click on the Use Region of Interest radio button on the Experiment Setup Main tab page.
Defining a single region
Access the ROI Setup tab page (Figure 120) by opening the Experiment Setup
window from the Acquisition menu and then clicking on the ROI Setup tab.
Figure 120.
The ROI Setup
tab page.