
410 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Amplifier, 297
Exposure Time, 296
High Capacity, 297
Intensifier Gain, 297
Low Noise, 297
overview, 295
Use Full Chip, 296
Use Region of Interest, 296
Manual Scan Patterns dialog box, 298
Marker Curves, 206
mask, 276
Math A page, 208
Math A page parameters, 208
Math B page, 219
Math C page, 222
Math dialog box
overview, 299
Matrix mask, 276
Max, 147
MAX image math operation, 148, 305
Maximize, 231
MCP bracket gating, 257, 338
Media provided, 26
Memory management, 270
Memory requirements, 25
Menu bar, 45, 300
camera type, 58
controller type selection, 58
controller version, 58
Controller/Camera page, 58
hardware selection, 58
Readout mode, 59
RS170 type, 59
shutter type, 58
user defined chip, 59
vertical shift, 59
controller type selection, 62, 64
controller version, 62
Controller/Camera page, 62
hardware selection, 62
readout mode, 62
shutter type, 62
Min, 147
MIN image math operation, 147, 304
Minimize, 231
Morphological, 161, 300
Close, 161
Dilation, 161
Erode, 161
Iterations, 161
Open, 161
Morphological Parameters tab page, 312
Morphological procedure, 163
Mouse cursor, 44, 237
Mouse requirement, 26
Move, 230
Move (window or dialog box), 230
MSP-100, 64
controller version, 64
Controller/Camera page, 64
readout mode, 64
shutter compensation time, 64
user defined chip, 64
Multiplication, 147
Multiplication image math operation, 147,
Multi-Strip, Same Frame, 205
Natural Log, 146
Natural Log image math operation, 148, 305
CTRL+F6, 384
Non-Linear image math operations, 148
Non-Linear Operations, 305
Normal graphs, 226
Not FT Image Shift Logic Out output, 233
NOT image math operation, 149, 306
Not Ready Logic Out output, 233
NOT READY signal, 67
Not Scan Logic Out output, 233
NOTSCAN signal, 67
NT log-on requirements, 26
NT non-paged memory, 271
Number of Images, 320, 339
Number of Spectra, 258
Number Stored, 350
Offset, 376
use of to improve image view, 289
Offset (control box), 229
On Line Thresholding setup, 301
Online Exposure dialog box, 300
Online Help
overview, 23
Open dialog box, 303
Open dialog box
auxiliary buttons, 302
Cancel, 303
Display Layout, 303
File Name, 302
Files of type, 302
Look In, 302
Open Button, 303
Open Display As, 302
overview, 302
right-click shortcut menus, 303
Open Display As