
402 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Auxiliary Trigger Output, 333
Axes (View menu), 377
Axes selection, 279
Axis labeling, 114
B page (math), 219
B page parameters
Datatype, 219
Frame, 219
Input B, 219
X Range, 219
Y Range, 219
Background subtraction, 141, 142
acquiring background files, 141
automatic, 142
Binary image math operations, 149
Binary NOT, 147
Binary Operations, 306
Binning, 138, 350
constraints with PCI card, 138
Interactive Camera Operation dialog box,
290, 292
Binning and Skipping
restrictions and liminations, 173
Binning and Skipping (post processing),
172, 219
Binning and Skipping Parameters tab page,
Binning and Skipping procedure, 172
Bit Adjust, 213
Bit Range 0-128 mapped to video monitor
display, 281
Bit Range 0-256 mapped to video monitor
display, 281
Bit Range 0-64 mapped to video monitor
display, 280
Bit Range 16-4096 mapped to video
monitor display, 281
Bit Range 2-512 mapped to video monitor
display, 281
Bit Range 4-1024 mapped to video monitor
display, 281
Bit Range 8-2048 mapped to video monitor
display, 281
Bitwise AND, 147
Bitwise Complement, 147
Bitwise Exclusive OR, 147
Bitwise image math operations, 148
Bitwise Operations, 305
Bitwise OR, 147
Black background (screen saver), 356
Black Clamping Level, 211
Block size, 225
Bracket Gating (PI-MAX), 257, 338
Brightness display function, 220, 284
Brightness scaling
compression of with gamma function, 375
Brightness/Contrast dialog box, 220
Brightness, 220, 284
Contrast, 220, 284
Function type
Gaussian, 221
Histogram, 221
Linear, 221
Log, 221
Square Root, 221
Palette type
Color, 221
Grayscale, 221
Inverted, 221
access, 50
command, 53
spin, 50
Byte data type, 245
C page (math), 222
C page parameters
Datatype, 222
Display Result, 222
Frame, 222
Output C, 222
X Range, 222
Y Range, 222
Calibration structures, 391
Camera state dialog box, 223
camera type, 62, 64
Camera Type selection, 232
Open dialog box, 303
Cascade, 381
changing Cleans and Skips settings, 224
custom chip tab page, 238
Custom Timing tab page, 239
running different versions simultaneously,
user defined chip, 80
user defined timing, 81, 233
WinView/32 and WinSpec/32 in same
directory, 31
CCD Blemish removal, 144
CCD Gain, 374
Check boxes, 52
Choose Destination dialog box, 31
Cleaning Logic Out output, 233
CLEANING signal, 67
Cleans/Skips tab page, 224
Cleans/Skips tab page parameters
Cleans, 224