Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide 71
2.8.10 CCI Software Files
The CCI software product consists of files supplied to the user, log files created internally,
and files created by the user. These files are stored on the local disk in the server machine.
Table 2.10 lists the CCI files which are provided for UNIX
-based systems. Table 2.11 lists
the CCI files which are provided for Windows-based systems. Table 2.12 lists the CCI files
which are p
rovided for OpenVMS
-based systems.
Table 2.10 CCI Files for UNIX-based Systems
No. Title File name Command name Mode User* Group
01 HORCM /etc/horcmgr horcmd 0544 root sys
02 HORCM_CONF /HORCM/etc/horcm.conf – 0444 root sys
03 Takeover /usr/bin/horctakeover horctakeover 0544 root sys
04 Accessibility check /usr/bin/paircurchk paircurchk 0544 root sys
05 Pair generation /usr/bin/paircreate paircreate 0544 root sys
06 Pair splitting /usr/bin/pairsplit pairsplit 0544 root sys
07 Pair resynchronization /usr/bin/pairresync pairresync 0544 root sys
08 Event waiting /usr/bin/pairevtwait pairevtwait 0544 root sys
09 Error notification /usr/bin/pairmon pairmon 0544 root sys
10 Volume check /usr/bin/pairvolchk pairvolchk 0544 root sys
11 Pair configuration confirmation /usr/bin/pairdisplay pairdisplay 0544 root sys
12 RAID scanning /usr/bin/raidscan raidscan 0544 root sys
13 RAID activity reporting /usr/bin/raidar raidar 0544 root sys
14 Connection confirming /usr/bin/raidqry raidqry 0544 root sys
15 Trace control /usr/bin/horcctl horcctl 0544 root sys
16 HORCM activation script /usr/bin/ 0544 root sys
17 HORCM shutdown script /usr/bin/ 0544 root sys
18 Connection confirming /HORCM/usr/bin/inqraid -- 0544 root sys
19 Synchronous waiting /usr/bin/pairsyncwait pairsyncwait 0544 root sys
20 Configuration file making /HORCM/usr/bin/ -- 0544 root sys
21 Database Validator setting /usr/bin/raidvchkset raidvchkset 0544 root sys
22 Database Validator confirmation /usr/bin/raidvchkdsp raidvchkdsp 0544 root sys
23 Database Validator confirmation /usr/bin/raidvchkscan raidvchkscan 0544 root sys
For information and instructions on changing the UNIX user for the CCI software,
please see section 3.3.4.