Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide 271
4.13.7 Drivescan Subcommand
The drivescan subcommand displays the relationship between the disk numbers assigned by
the Windows system and the LDEVs on the RAID storage system, and also displays attribute
and status information for each LDEV. Table 4.40 lists and describes the drivescan
ommand parameters. Figure 4.52 shows an example of the drivescan subcommand used
as an
option of the raidscan command and its output.
Table 4.40 Drivescan Subcommand Parameters
Parameter Value
Command Name drivescan
Format -x drivescan drive#(0-N)
Argument drive#(0-N): Specifies the range of disk drive numbers on the Windows system.
raidscan -x drivescan harddisk0,20
Harddisk 0... Port[ 1] PhId[ 0] TId[ 0] Lun[ 0] [HITACHI] [DK328H-43WS]
Harddisk 1... Port[ 2] PhId[ 4] TId[ 29] Lun[ 0] [HITACHI] [OPEN-3]
Port[CL1-J] Ser#[ 30053] LDEV#[ 9(0x009)]
RAID5[Group 2- 1] SSID = 0x0008 CTGID = 3
Harddisk 2... Port[ 2] PhId[ 4] TId[ 29] Lun[ 1] [HITACHI] [OPEN-3]
Port[CL1-J] Ser#[ 30053] LDEV#[ 10(0x00A)]
RAID5[Group 2- 1] SSID = 0x0004 CTGID = 3
Harddisk 3... Port[ 2] PhId[ 4] TId[ 29] Lun[ 6] [HITACHI] [OPEN-3-CM]
Port[CL1-J] Ser#[ 30053] LDEV#[ 15(0x00F)]
This example displays the devices for the range of disk drive numbers from 0 to 20.
Figure 4.52 Drivescan Subcommand Example
Output of the drivescan subcommand:
Harddisk #: Shows the hard disk recognized by the Windows system.
Port: Shows the port number on the device adapter recognized by the Windows system.
Phid: Shows the bus number on the device adapter port recognized by Windows system.
Tid: Shows the target ID of the hard disk(s) on the specified port and bus. For further
information on fibre-to-SCSI address conversion, see Appendix C.
LUN: Shows the LU number of the hard disk on the specified port, bus, and TID.
Port[CLX-Y]: Shows the port number on the storage system.
Ser#: Shows the production number (serial number) of the storage system.
LDEV#: Shows the LDEV ID (hexadecimal) of the specified volume.
HORC: Shows the TrueCopy attribute (P-VOL, S-VOL, SMPL) of the specified volume.
ShadowImage: Shows the ShadowImage attribute (P-VOL, S-VOL, or SMPL) and MU
number (0-2) of the specified volume.
RAIDX[Group]: Shows the physical location (frame number-parity group number) of the
specified volume and the RAID level of this parity group.
SSID: Shows the SSID of the specified volume.
CTGID (TrueCopy Async/UR only): Shows the consistency group ID of specified volume.