
368 Acronyms and Abbreviations
LBA logical block address
LCP local control port
LDEV logical device
LDKC logical disk controller (used for USP V/VM)
LDM Logical Disk Manager
LU logical unit
LUN logical unit number
LUSE Logical Unit Size Expansion
LV logical volume
LVM logical volume manager
MB megabytes
MCU main control unit (Hitachi TrueCopy only)
MRCF Multi-RAID Coupling Feature (refers to ShadowImage)
MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server
MU mirrored unit
NSC Hitachi TagmaStore Network Storage Controller
OPS Oracle Parallel Server
OS operating system
PB petabyte
PC personal computer system
PCSI PolyCenter Software Installation
PnP Plug-and-Play
PV physical volume
P-VOL primary volume
RAID600, R600 factory model number for the Universal Storage Platform V/VM
RAID500, R500 factory model number for the TagmaStore USP/NSC
RAID450, R450 factory model number for the Lightning 9900V
RAID400, R400 factory model number for the Lightning 9900
RCP remote control port (used for Hitachi TrueCopy)
RCU remote control unit (used for Hitachi TrueCopy)
RD read
RM RAID Manager (another name for CCI)
S/W software
SCSI small computer system interface
SF sidefile
SI ShadowImage
SLPR Storage Logical Partition
SVC service console
S-VOL secondary volume
SVP service processor
TB terabyte
TC TrueCopy