Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide 241
Setting for Oracle H.A.R.D
Oracle 10g supports ASM (Automated Storage Manager), so users must change the setting
according to the use of this ASM. The USP V/VM and TagmaStore USP/NSC support the
setting for Oracle 10g. Table 4.29 shows the related CCI command settings.
Table 4.29
Setting H.A.R.D for USP V/VM and TagmaStore USP/NSC
Storage System Version CHKDBA ASM Setting Parameter
TagmaStore USP/NSC 9iR2 Disable Same as current setting
-vt redo9/data9 –vbf we bne VM=9 is fixed
10gR2 Disable unused -vt rd10g
used -vt rd10g –vbf (disable Block# check)
Enable unused Impossible (Due to be fixed as VM=9)
used Impossible (Due to be fixed as VM=9)
USP V/VM 9iR2 Disable Same as current setting
-vt redo9/data9 -vbf we bne VM=9 is Val.
10gR2 Disable unused -vt rd10g
used -vt rd10g –vbf we nzd
Enable unused -vt rd10g –vbf we bne VM=5 is Val.
used -vt rd10g –vbf we bne nzd VM=5 is Val.