Using Access Control Lists (ACLs)
HP9300(config-routemap test-route-if-no-gateway)# exit
The following command enables PBR by globally applying the route map to all interfaces.
HP9300(config)# ip policy route-map test-route-if-no-gateway
Alternatively, you can enable PBR on specific interfaces, as shown in the following example. The commands in
this example configure IP addresses in the source sub-net identified in ACL 4, then apply route map test-route-if-
no-gateway to the interface.
HP9300(config)# interface ve 2
HP9300(config-vif-1)# ip address
HP9300(config-vif-1)# ip policy route-map test-route-if-no-gateway
Setting the Output Interface to the Null Interface
The following commands configure a PBR to send all traffic from to the null interface, thus
dropping the traffic instead of forwarding it.
HP9300(config)# access-list 6 permit
The following commands configure an entry in a route map called “file-13”. The first entry (permit 6) matches on
the IP address information in ACL 6 above. For IP traffic from the host, this route map entry
sends the traffic to the null interface instead of forwarding it, thus sparing the rest of the network the unwanted
HP9300(config)# route-map file-13 permit 6
HP9300(config-routemap file-13)# match ip address 6
HP9300(config-routemap file-13)# set interface null0
HP9300(config-routemap file-13)# exit
The following command enables PBR by globally applying the route map to all interfaces.
HP9300(config)# ip policy route-map file-13
Alternatively, you can enable the PBR on specific interfaces, as shown in the following example. The commands
in this example configure IP addresses in the source sub-net identified in ACL 6, then apply route map file-13 to
the interface.
HP9300(config)# interface ethernet 3/11
HP9300(config-if-3/11)# ip address
HP9300(config-if-3/11)# ip policy route-map file-13
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