Policies and Filters
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure IP/RIP redistribution filters.
Table C.23: IP/RIP Redistribution Filters
CLI syntax Web management links
HP9300(config-rip-router)# permit | deny redistribute <filter-num> all |
bgp | ospf | static <ip-addr> <ip-mask>
[match-metric <value> | set-metric <value>]
OSPF Redistribution Filters
OSPF redistribution filters control redistribution of routes from other protocols into OSPF. A device running OSPF
can redistribute static routes, IP/RIP routes, and BG4P routes (if BGP4 is supported on the device) into OSPF.
Optionally, you can specify a metric that the route must match or you can set the metric on redistributed routes.
By setting the metric, you can cause the routing switch to prefer OSPF routes or redistributed routes to the
specified network.
OSPF redistribution filters permit (redistribute) or deny (don’t redistribute) IP/RIP or BGP4 routes into OSPF.
You configure and apply OSPF redistribution filters globally.
Use the following CLI commands or Web management interface panels to configure OSPF redistribution filters.
Table C.24: OSPF Redistribution Filters
CLI syntax Web management links
HP9300(config-ospf-router)# deny | permit redistribute <filter-num> all
| bgp | rip | static address <ip-addr>
[match-metric <value> | set-metric <value>]
BGP4 Redistribution Filters
BGP4 redistribution filters control redistribution of routes from other protocols into BGP4. A device running BGP4
can redistribute static routes, IP/RIP routes, and OSPF routes into BGP4.
Optionally, you can modify a route’s metric and weight and use a route map to change additional attributes of the
BGP4 redistribution filters permit (redistribute) or deny (don’t redistribute) IP/RIP or OSPF routes into IP/RIP.
You configure and apply BGP4 redistribution filters globally.
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