Route Health Injection
CLI Commands for 6308M-SX R3
The following commands configure 6308M-SX R3 for the configuration shown in Figure 17.1. This example
includes the commands for modifying the HTTP health check interval and retry values.
HP6308-R3(config) server port 80
HP6308-R3(config-port-80) tcp keepalive 10 3
HP6308-R3(config-port-80) server real S3
HP6308-R3(config-rs-S2) port http keepalive
HP6308-R3(config-rs-S2) port http url "/marketing.html"
HP6308-R3(config-rs-S2) interface ethernet 9
HP6308-R3(config-if-9) ip address
HP6308-R3(config-if-9) ip dont_advertise
HP6308-R3(config-if-9) write memory
Syntax: server port 80
Syntax: tcp keepalive <interval> <retries>
The <interval> parameter specifies the number of seconds between health checks sent by the routing switch. You
can specify a number from 2 – 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
The <retries> parameter specifies how many times the routing switch will resend a health check if the web site
does not respond. You can specify from 1 – 5 retries. The default is 2.
Displaying Server and Application Port Information
You can use the CLI to display the following types of information:
• Server (virtual IP address) information
• Application port information
Displaying Server Information
To display information about the server virtual IP addresses (VIPs) you have configured, enter a command such
as the following at any level of the CLI:
HP9300-R2# show server real RS2
Real Servers Info
Server State - 1:enabled, 2:failed, 3:test, 4:suspect, 5:grace_dn, 6:active
Name:RS2 IP: State:1
Syntax: show server real <name>
This display shows the following information.
Table 17.1: Real Server Information
This Field... Displays...
Server State The possible values for the server state. state of each real server
is shown by the State field. See below.
Name The name of the real server. his is the name you assigned to the
server when you configured it on the SLB.
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