
Installation and Getting Started Guide
5. Select the port (and slot if applicable) on behalf of which the UDP helper packets will be forwarded.
6. Enter the IP address of the remote server for which the routing switch will be relaying the packets.
7. Click the Add button to save the change to the devices running-config file.
8. To configure settings for another port, select the port (and slot, if applicable) and go to step 6.
9. Select the Save
link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change
to the startup-config file on the devices flash memory.
To select an application to be forwarded to the server by the routing switch:
1. Log on to the device using a valid user name and password for read-write access. The System configuration
panel is displayed.
2. Click on the plus sign next to Configure in the tree view to expand the list of configuration options.
3. Click on the plus sign next to RIP in the tree view to expand the list of RIP option links.
4. Click on the UDP Helper
5. Click on the Modify button to the right of the row describing the UDP helper assignment to display the UDP
Helper configuration panel.
6. Click on the System Broadcast Forward
or User Broadcast Forward link.
The System Broadcast Forward
link displays a panel that lets you select a well-known UDP port.
The User Broadcast Forward
link displays a panel that lets you enter any port number.
7. Select the port or enter a port number from 1 65535.
8. Click the Add button to save the change to the devices running-config file.
9. Select the Save
link at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change
to the startup-config file on the devices flash memory.
Configuring BootP/DHCP Forwarding Parameters
A host on an IP network can use BootP/DHCP to obtain its IP address from a BootP/DHCP server. To obtain the
address, the client sends a BootP/DHCP request. The request is a limited broadcast and is addressed to UDP
port 67. A limited IP broadcast is addressed to IP address and is not forwarded by the HP
routing switch or other IP routers.
When the BootP/DHCP client and server are on the same network, the server receives the broadcast request and
replies to the client. However, when the client and server are on different networks, the server does not receive
the clients request, because the routing switch does not forward the request.
You can configure the routing switch to forward BootP/DHCP requests. To do so, configure a helper address on
the interface that receives the client requests, and specify the BootP/DHCP servers IP address as the address
you are helping the BootP/DHCP requests to reach. Instead of the servers IP address, you can specify the limited
broadcast address of the IP sub-net the server is in.
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