Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# dynamic
HP9300(config)# write memory
These commands create a port-based VLAN on chassis ports 1/1 – 1/6 named “Mktg-LAN”, configure an IP sub-
net VLAN within the port-based VLAN, and then add ports from the port-based VLAN dynamically.
Syntax: vlan <vlan-id> by port [name <string>]
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> to <portnum>
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> ethernet <portnum>
NOTE: Use the first untagged command for adding a range of ports. Use the second command for adding
separate ports (not in a range).
Syntax: ip-subnet <ip-addr> <ip-mask> [name <string>]
Syntax: ip-subnet <ip-addr>/<mask-bits> [name <string>]
Syntax: dynamic
Configuring an IPX Network VLAN with Dynamic Ports
To configure an IPX network VLAN with dynamic ports, use one of the following methods.
To configure port-based VLAN 20, then configure an IPX network VLAN within the port-based VLAN with dynamic
ports, enter commands such as the following:
HP9300(config)# vlan 20 by port name IPX_VLAN
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# untag ethernet 2/1 to 2/6
added untagged port ethe 2/1 to 2/6 to port-vlan 20.
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# ipx-network abcd ethernet_ii name Eng-LAN
HP9300(config-vlan-10)# dynamic
HP9300(config)# write memory
These commands create a port-based VLAN on chassis ports 2/1 – 2/6 named “Eng-LAN”, configure an IPX
network VLAN within the port-based VLAN, and then add ports from the port-based VLAN dynamically.
Syntax: vlan <vlan-id> by port [name <string>]
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> to <portnum>
Syntax: untagged ethernet <portnum> ethernet <portnum>
NOTE: Use the first untagged command for adding a range of ports. Use the second command for adding
separate ports (not in a range).
Syntax: ipx-network <network-addr> ethernet_ii | ethernet_802.2 | ethernet_802.3 | ethernet_snap
[name <string>]
Syntax: dynamic
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