Page 75 © 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Selecting <1on> activates the automated reading rate and returns to the MAIN
RUN screen. Selecting <2off> turns OFF the automated reading rate and
returns to the MAIN RUN screen.
The default RPM4 condition is auto read rate ON.
Auto read rate ON/OFF is NOT Q-RPT or range specific. Turning auto read
rate ON or OFF in one range turns it ON or OFF for all RPM4 ranges. <3RPT2X>
To enable and disable the RPM4 parallel measurement mode in which two
Q-RPT modules are used to measure in parallel and their readings are averaged.
RPM4s that have two Q-RPT modules of the same type (Axxx, Gxxx or BGxxx)
support parallel measurement mode. In this mode, both Q-RPTs are used to
measure the same pressure in parallel and their readings are averaged.
Parallel measurement mode sets up a third Q-RPT designated HL (combination
of Hi and Lo). The HL RPT can be selected by the [RANGE] function and
supports other RPM4 functions such as UNIT, MODE and DISPLAY.
When parallel measurement mode is set up, the resulting HL Q-RPT can be a
third Q-RPT in addition to the Hi and Lo RPTs. It is also possible to make the HL
Q-RPT the sole Q-RPT, suppressing the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs. This feature is used
when an RPM4 will always be used in parallel measurement mode and the
availability of the individual Hi and Lo Q-RPTs is not desired.
[SPECIAL], <7internal>, <3RPT2x> is used to set up or suppress parallel
measurement mode in RPM4s that support it.
In parallel measurement mode, the maximum pressure is the maximum
pressure of the Lo Q-RPT.
Parallel measurement mode is only available on RPM4s with two Q-RPTs of
the same type (Axxx, Gxxx, BGxxx).
To access the parallel measurement mode enable/disable function press
[SPECIAL], <7internal>, <3RPT2x>.
The cursor is on the number corresponding to the current setting.
Select <1off> to disable parallel measurement mode. This will eliminate the HL
Select <2on> to enable parallel measurement mode. This creates the HL
parallel mode Q-RPT. The Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are also still available.
Select <3on, w/ Hi & Lo RPT off> to enable parallel measurement mode and
disable access to the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs individually. This creates the HL
parallel mode Q-RPT and makes it the sole Q-RPT available for selection.
When using parallel measurement mode, if RPM4 detects an excessive
difference between the pressure measured by the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs, a warning
is given by rapid beeps for 8 seconds and displaying <Check RPT connection>.