© 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 28
Gauge Measures pressure relative to atmosphere (zero is ambient pressure).
Range is from zero gauge to full scale, full scale must be greater than zero.
Negative Gauge Measures pressure relative to atmosphere (zero is ambient pressure).
Range is positive and negative from zero, negative to minus one
atmosphere and positive to full scale. With a BGxxx RPT, negative range
is the negative equivalent of the positive range.
Differential Available only for the Hi Q-RPT in RPM4s equipped with two Q-RPT modules
of the same type (Axxx, Gxxx, BGxxx). Measures the difference between the
Hi and the Lo Q-RPT (Differential = Hi – Lo). Differential measurement mode
is selected “on top of” the Hi Q-RPT’s base measurement mode (gauge,
absolute or differential). Differential range is positive to maximum pressure of
the Hi Q-RPT and negative to the minimum pressure of the Lo Q-RPT base
measurement mode (see Section for specific information on operation
in differential measurement mode).
Which measurement modes are available depends on the type of Q-RPT type(s) available.
There are three types of Q-RPTs:
Axxx Q-RPTs with designators starting with “A” measure pressure relative to a sealed
vacuum reference and are intrinsically absolute. Axxx Q-RPTs support
measurement in absolute, gauge and negative gauge modes. Gauge and negative
gauge modes are accomplished by offsetting of atmospheric pressure with
dynamic compensation for atmospheric pressure changes between offsets using
an on-board barometer (see Section 3.2.2). Access to absolute and negative
gauge operation can be turned OFF (see Section 5.2.5). In RPM4s with two Axxx
Q-RPTs, differential measurement mode is supported on the Hi Q-RPT.
Gxxx Q-RPTs with designators starting with “G” measure positive pressure relative to the
TEST(-) port that is connected to atmosphere. Gxxx Q-RPTs support measurement
in gauge mode only. In RPM4s with two Gxxx Q-RPTs, differential measurement
mode is supported on the Hi Q-RPT.
BGxxx Q-RPTs with designators starting with “BG” measure positive and negative
pressure relative to the TEST(-) port that is connected to atmosphere. BGxxx Q-RPTs
support measurement in gauge and negative gauge modes. In RPM4s with two
BGxxx Q-RPTs, differential measurement mode is supported on the Hi Q-RPT.
When changing modes for a range, if the full scale of the range is 700 kPa (100 psi) or
greater, the full scale is the same in both absolute and gauge modes. If the full scale is less
than 700 kPa (100 psi), the gauge mode full scale is 100 kPa (14.5 psi) lower than the
absolute mode full scale. If the absolute mode full scale is less than 100 kPa (14.5 psi), there
is no gauge mode available. Gauge and negative gauge modes, when available, always
have the same full scale.
Measurement mode selection is range specific.
See Section for information on differential mode operation. Differential mode
operation is only available for the Hi Q-RPT in RPM4s that are equipped with two Q-RPTs
of the same type (Axxx, Gxxx, BGxxx).
To change the active measurement mode for a range,
press [MODE] from the MAIN RUN screen while the
range is active. The display depends upon the type of
Q-RPT that is active.
Measurement mode:
1abs 2gage 3neg gage