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The following operating conditions are specific to differential mode:
Main run screen measured pressure display
The display of measured pressure in the main run
screen is the difference between the Hi and the Lo
Q-RPTs (Hi – Lo) with a differential mode AutoZ
correction (see Section The pressure
measurement mode indicator is <d>. The Q-RPT
position indicator is <Hd>.
Default DISPLAY function The default display function is RPT with the Lo Q-RPT
displayed on the bottom display line (see Section This allows the line pressure (Lo Q-RPT
indication) to be viewed simultaneously with the
differential pressure. All other DISPLAY functions
(average, rate, deviation, HiLo, freeze) apply to
the differential pressure
SDS function [SDS] key operation to OPEN SDS opens SDS of
both the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs simultaneously. (see
Section 3.3.8). Overpressure is driven by the pressure
range of the Lo Q-RPT (see Section
AutoZ function AutoZ manages zeroing of differential mode and is
intended to “tare” the two Q-RPTs at a common
line pressure (see Section Switch to a
mode other than differential for AutoZ functions of
an individual Q-RPT.
Leak Check function The leak check function uses the differential mode
measurement (see Section 3.3.5).
Head function The head function applies to the differential
pressure (see Section 3.3.7).
AutoRange function Differential measurement mode is not available in
AutoRange (see Section 3.3.4).
UL function The UL limits apply to positive and negative
differential pressure (see Section 3.4.4) and the
default is the maximum value of the differential
pressure. Both the Lo and Hi RPT base
measurement mode ULs also remain active. The
Hi RPT UL provides a upper limit for the maximum
pressure on the Hi side of the differential pressure.
Both the differential and base mode Hi RPT UL
cause the display of differential pressure to flash
when exceeded. The Lo RPT UL provides an
upper limit for the line pressure.
AutoTest function The AutoTest function (see Section 3.3.10) is not
available in differential measurement mode.
To automatically set up RPM4 to optimize its measurement characteristics and features for
specific, user specified range of operation.
RPM4 is designed to support the calibration and test of a very wide variety of test ranges in
various measurement modes.