Page 107 © 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Purpose Read or set the pressure unit of measure unit and measurement mode.
“UNITn unit (, ref”)”
“UNITn unitn (, ref”)”
“UNITn unitg (, ref”)”
“UNITn unita (, ref”)”
“UNITn unitd (, ref”)”
Classic “UNITn=unit (, ref”)”
“UNITn=unitn (, ref”)”
“UNITn=unitg (, ref”)”
“UNITn=unita (, ref”)”
“UNITn=unitd (,ref”)”
Optional Suffix “n”
The active Q-RPT is assumed if no suffix is given.
‘1’ Specify the Hi Q-RPT if the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are NOT OFF and the HL
Q-RPT is not active.
Specify the HL Q-RPT if the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are OFF
‘2’ Specify the Lo Q-RPT if the HL Q-RPT is not active and measurement
mode is not differential.
‘3’ Specify the HL Q-RPT if the HL Q-RPT is active.
Arguments Unit:
The text corresponding to the pressure unit of measure. A unit mode
character can optionally be added to the end of the units:
‘a’ for absolute measurement mode.
‘g’ for gauge measurement mode.
‘n’ for negative gauge measurement mode.
‘d’ for differential measurement mode (Hi Q-RPT only)
The optional unit reference temperature only if the unit is “InWa”
Remarks This program message determines what unit of measure and what measurement mode is used to
display pressure values. Refer to Table 13 for a detailed list of the units available and their labels.
If the unit text is not followed by an explicit mode character (‘a’, ‘g’, ‘n’ or ‘d’) then “gauge” mode is
assumed. There can be a space between the unit text and the ‘a’, ‘g’, ‘n’ or ‘d’.
If the unit specified is “InWa”, an optional second argument “ref” can be set. The “ref” can be 4, 20,
or 60 corresponding to InWa at 4 °C, 20 °C or 60 °F. If this second argument is not given when
the unit is “InWa”, then the reference temperature is assumed to be 20 °C. This can also be added
directly onto the end of the Unit argument if desired.
The fifth character of the reply is always ‘a’ for absolute mode, ‘g’ for gauge/negative gauge mode
or ‘d’ for differential mode. White spaces precede this character if needed. The temperature
reference is added to the reply only if the unit is “InWa”.
The reply includes the measurement mode character in the fifth position, with an ‘a’ indicating
absolute mode, a ‘g’ indicating gauge or negative gauge mode or a ‘d’ indicating differential mode.
The “MODE” command can also be used to set the desired measurement mode only.
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
Query reply:
Query reply:
“UNIT? kPaa”
“UNIT? InWag, 4”
“inWag, 4”
“UNIT? InWaa60”
“inWaa, 60”
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“UNIT psi n”
“psi g” (‘g’ used to indicate both gauge & neg gauge modes)
“UNIT=InWag, 4”
“inWag, 4”
Errors ERR# 7:
ERR# 6:
ERR# 20:
The unit is invalid.
The ref is invalid.
Absolute measurement mode and altitude units are not allowed with a gauge Q-RPT.
See Also “MMODE”, “MODE”
3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.5.6, 7.2.1
Purpose Identify the RPM4, US or SI units, the Q-RPT labels and the software version.
Query “VER?”
Classic “VER”
Remarks The software version of the RPM4 can be read. This is useful for checking for the presence of the
RPM4 and for reference purposes. It indicates the internal Q-RPT(s) and software version.
Query sent:
Query reply:
“DH INSTRUMENTS, INC RPM4 us A350K/BG15K Ver1.00 ”
Query sent:
Query reply:
“DH INSTRUMENTS, INC RPM4 us A350K/BG15K Ver1.00 ”
See Also “ID”, “*IDN?”