© 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 46 SDS IN DIFFERENTIAL AND PARALLEL MEASUREMENT
In differential and parallel measurement modes, opening SDS opens SDS for
BOTH the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs. Before opening SDS, be certain that the
pressure applied to both the Hi and Lo RPM4 TEST(+) ports is less than the
maximum pressure of the Lo Q-RPT.
Differential (see Section and parallel measurement modes (see Section use two Q-RPTs in one RPM4 to simultaneously. In these modes,
function of the [SDS] key is adapted to facilitate operation using both Q-RPTs
simultaneously. [SDS] can be used to OPEN SDS on both the active an inactive
Q-RPTs at the same time.
Pressing [SDS] always CLOSES any ON and OPEN SDS, as it does in single Q-RPT
mode operation. However, if SDS is CLOSED for any and all modules equipped
with SDS, pressing SDS goes to the usual OPEN SDS routine which will OPEN
SDS for both Q-RPTs.
The display is :
1. Maximum acceptable pressure of the Lo
Q-RPT (always absolute on an Axxx Q-RPT
and gauge on a Gxxx Q-RPT).
2. Position designator of active Q-RPT. <HL> in
parallel mode, <Hd> in differential mode.
Pmax! 350 kPa a HL
Open Hi&Lo? 1no 2yes
Check that the pressure applied to BOTH the TEST(+) ports does NOT exceed
the maximum acceptable value for the Lo Q-RPT. Select <1no> to return to the
main run screen without OPENING SDS, select <2yes> to OPEN SDS for both
Q-RPTs and return to the main run screen with SDS OPEN (the active Q-RPT
open to the TEST(+) port).
3.3.9 [AUTOZ]
To run the AutoZ function that rezeros the active Q-RPT between full calibrations.
See Section 3.5.1, Principle for a full explanation of the AutoZ function.
Run AutoZ is the function by which the current Q-RPT reading is compared to a reference,
, at atmospheric pressure to determine a new value of P
. The value of P
is then
used by AutoZ to automatically correct the Q-RPT for possible changes in zero over time
(see Section 3.5.1, PRINCIPLE).
Running AutoZ in parallel mode (see Section autozeros the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs
simultaneously and independently. There is are no Zoffset values specific to the HL Q-
See Section 3.3.9 to run AutoZ.