Interface is Vlan2
Priority is 100
Advertisement interval is 1 sec
Preempt mode is TRUE
VrId <10>
State is Initialize
Virtual IP is (IP owner)
Interface is Vlan1
Configured priority is 255, Current priority is 255
Advertisement interval is 1 sec
Preempt mode is TRUE
Circuit failover interface Vlan1, Priority Delta 10, Status UP
Item Explanation
State State
Virtual IP Virtual IP address
Interface Interface name
priority priority
Advertisement interval timer
Preempt Preempt mode
Circuit failover interface Monitored interface information debug vrrp
Command: debug vrrp [ all | event | packet [recv| send] ]
no debug vrrp [ all | event | packet [recv| send] ]
Function: Display the state changes and messages sent and received for the standby
group; the “no debug vrrp [ all | event | packet [recv| send] ]” command stops
displaying debug information.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Default: Debug information is not displayed by default.
debug vrrp
VRRP SEND[Hello]: Advertisement sent for vrid=[10], virtual-ip=[]
VRRP SEND[Hello]: Advertisement sent for vrid=[10], virtual-ip=[]
VRRP SEND[Hello]: Advertisement sent for vrid=[10], virtual-ip=[]
VRRP SEND[Hello]: Advertisement sent for vrid=[10], virtual-ip=[]