
Function: Set the node type for the specified port; the “no netbios-node-type” command
cancels the setting.
Parameter: b-node stands for broadcasting node, h-node for hybrid node that
broadcasts after point-to-point communication; m-node for hybrid node communicates in
point-to-point after broadcast; p-node for point-to-point node; <type-number> is the node
type in Hex from 0 to FF.
Default: No client node type is specified by default.
Command Mode: DHCP Address Pool Mode
Usage Guide: If client node type is to be specified, it is recommended to set the client
node type to h-node that broadcasts after point-to-point communication.
Example: Set the node type for client of pool 1 to broadcasting node.
Switch(dhcp-1-config)#netbios-node-type b-node network-address
Command: network-address <network-number> [<mask> | <prefix-length>]
no network-address
Function: Set the scope for assignment for addresses in the pool; the “no
network-address” command cancels the setting.
Parameter: <network-number> is the network number; <mask> is the subnet mask in
the dotted decimal format; <prefix-length> stands for mask in prefix form. For
example, mask in prefix is “24”, and mask in
prefix is “30”. Note: When using DHCP server, the pool mask should be longer
or equal to that of layer 3 interface IP address in the corresponding segment.
Default: If no mask is specified, default mask will be assigned according to the address
Command Mode: DHCP Address Pool Mode
Usage Guide: This command sets the scope of addresses that can be used for dynamic
assignment by the DHCP server; one address pool can only have one
corresponding segment. This command is exclusive with the manual
address binding command “hardware address” and “host”.
Example: Configure the assignable address in pool 1 to be
Switch(dhcp-1-config)#network-address 24
Related command: ip dhcp excluded-address next-server