Queue and weight type: Queue to weight mapping.
QType WFQ or PQ queue out method
Switch # show mls qos interface policers ethernet 1/2
Attached policy-map for Ingress: p1
Displayed information Explanation
Ethernet1/2 Port name
Attached policy-map for Ingress: p1 Policy map bound to the port.
Switch # show mls qos interface statistics ethernet 1/2
Device: Ethernet1/2
Classmap classified in-profile out-profile (in packets)
c1 0 0 0
Displayed information Explanation
Ethernet1/2 Port name
ClassMap Name of the Class map
classified Total data packets match this class map.
in-profile Total in-profile data packets match this class map.
out-profile Total out-profile data packets match this class map. show mls qos maps
Command: show mls qos maps [cos-dscp | dscp-cos | dscp-mutation
<dscp-mutation-name> | ip-prec-dscp | policed-dscp]
Function: Display mapping configuration information for QoS.
Parameter: cos-dscp CoS for CoS-DSCP; dscp-cos DSCP for DSCP-CoS,
dscp-mutation <dscp-mutation-name> for DSCP-DSCP mutation,
<dscp-mutation-name> is the name of mutation; ip-prec-dscp IP for IP
precedence-DSCP; policed-dscp is DSCP mark down mapping.
Default: N/A.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Switch # show mls qos map
Cos-dscp map:
cos: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
dscp: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56