Chapter 4
Input/output functions and
wiring for typical applications
This chapter provides information about the function of inputs and out-
puts and examples of wiring for typical applications. Applications sup-
ported by the Tracer ZN521 zone controller are shown in Table 2.
Figures 7 through 17 (pages 23 through 33) show typical wiring diagrams
that include all required and all optional components for typical applica-
Table 2. Typical applications for the Tracer ZN521 zone controller
Multiple fan speed
Auto minimum damper adjust
Face and bypass damper
Valve control
Auxiliary (baseboard) heat
Electric heat
2-pipe hydronic cooling only x x x x x x
2-pipe hydronic heating only x x x x x x
2-pipe changeover xxxxxxxx
2-pipe steam only x x x x x x
4-pipe hydronic heating and cooling x x x x x x x
4-pipe changeover x x x x x x x
4-pipe steam/chilled water x x x x x
Electric heat only (single- and two-stage) x x ×
DX/hydronic heating x x x x x
DX/steam heating x x x x x
DX cooling only xxx