
66 Zebra XiIIIPlus Users Guide
Front Panel Controls
List Bar Codes: Press the right black oval to print a
label listing all available bar codes in the printer.
List Images: Press the right black oval to print a
label listing all available images stored in the
printer’s RAM, Flash memory, optional EPROM, or
optional memory card.
List Formats: Press the right black oval to print a
label listing all of the available formats stored in the
printer’s RAM, Flash memory, optional EPROM, or
optional memory card.
List Setup: Press the right black oval to print a label
listing the current printer configuration. (Same as
CANCEL Self Test as shown in CANCEL Self Test
on page 132.)
List All: Press the right black oval to print a label
listing all available fonts, bar codes, images, formats,
and the current printer configuration.