Front Panel Controls
Zebra XiIIIPlus Users Guide 55
Certain parameters are password-protected by factory default, including the communication
The first attempt to change one of these parameters (pressing one of the black ovals)
requires you to enter a four-digit password at the (17(53$66:25' display. The left
black oval changes the selected digit position; the right black oval increases the
selected digit value. After entering the password, press NEXT/SAVE. The parameter
you wish to change is displayed. If the password was entered correctly, you can now
change the value.
3(50$1(17 Permanently saves the changes. Values are stored in the
printer even when power is turned off.
7(0325$5< Saves the changes until you change them again or until
power is turned off.
&$1&(/ Cancels all changes from the time you pressed SETUP/
EXIT except the darkness and tear-off settings (if they
were changed).
/2$''()$8/76 Loads the factory defaults. The factory defaults are shown
on the following pages.
/2$'/$676$9( Loads values from the last permanent save.
Note • Loading factory defaults causes the printer to auto-calibrate.
Note • If the parameters are set incorrectly, the printer function may be